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Musical biopics are big business and potentially Oscar winners if Bohemian Rhapsody was anything to go by. Bob Marley One Love was a bio pic long in the making. Marley had passed away in 1981 and yet his music and it message of peace is as important today as it was for Jamaica in the mid-1970s and on the brink of civil war with two opposing factions and Marley caught in the middle and eventually subject of a failed assassination attempt that saw him temporarily leave the country for London where his seminal Exodus album was written and recorded.

Bob Marley One Love covers the period of the 1976  concert he played before an attempt is made on his life before leaving for London recording the Exodus album and returning to Jamaica for his triumphant unification concert. Read our review HERE

The film did decent business earning almost $180m worldwide but it’s not a perfect film as is so often the case with these biopics because the musician’s estate are unlikely to permit use of the music if the film is unsympathetic to the artist as was the case with the Bowie biopic ‘Stardust’ that could not use any of the late musicians music.

Out now on Blu-ray, DVD and digital download the film stars Kingsley Ben-Adir in the title role and it’s a stunning turn. The featurette ‘Bringing Bob to Life’ gives a glimpse of how he transformed himself into the role. That director Reinaldo Marcus Green claims that, ’After Jesus Christ the next most identifiable person on Earth’ was Marley is probably stretching it a bit. But there’s no doubting Adir’s commitment to the role wholly subsuming himself in the Marley persona and mastering the patois and language that the musician spoke. Alongside the featurette on the films locations it is one of the best features on the disc which are as follows

  • Becoming Bob Marley—Go inside the making of a legend and see Kingsley Ben-Adir transform himself into the iconic Bob Marley to capture the musician’s essence.
  • The Story: Bringing Bob Marley’s Story to Life—See how filmmakers structured the film around Bob’s music, message, and family.
  • The Cast—Sit down with the actors including Kingsley Ben-Adir and Lashana Lynch as they discuss their process.
  • On Location: Jamaica and England—Discover where Bob Marley lived and created some of his best music, from the beaches of Jamaica to the streets of London.
  • The Band—Explore the real-life musicians involved throughout the making of the film, including some family members of the original Wailers.
  • 8 Extended and Deleted Scenes

The featurettes are of the EKP variety but if nothing else Bob Marley One Love is worth it if just for Kingsley Ben-Adir’s central performance.


related feature : Being Bob Marley – How Kingsley Ben-Adir became the reggae legend

related feature : Noel Gallagher interviewed at the World premiere of Oasis Knebworth 96 film

Here’s the trailer…….


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